Coming up with great content ideas is one of the most important, and often most challenging, aspects of content creation.
40 Facts About eCommerce (That’ll Keep You Up At Night)
When you think about e-commerce, you probably picture a store online that is constantly promoting new deals, products, services, and so forth. eCommerce involves a lot more strategy from a marketer’s point of view. Even though some marketers are looking towards other markets for big gains, the e-commerce market has tons of potential. Internet businesses […]
Format Vs Squarespace: What’s The Best Portfolio Websites Builder?
When you get called in for a job interview, what is the one thing you never miss to take with you? A CV, right! A resume is a mandatory requirement for white-collar and some blue-collar professions, but what do creatives use to showcase their work? They carry an extra piece of a document called a […]
Are You Using Colors Correctly On Your Website?
Have you ever even wondered this? How do colors affect my website? If not, keep reading. Websites often look at color for the sole purpose of triggering a response from visitors. Of course, everyone has their favorite colors that they gravitate to whether they realize it or not. However, a skilled web designer also understands […]
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